Fine Art Scanning
and Digital Capture

For artists who care about quality

It's all in the detail

The first, and most important part of artwork reproduction/giclee printing is a high quality scan or digital capture of your original artwork.

We provide a high-resolution scanning service using one of the latest Epson flatbed scanners,  with a optical density of 3.8 DMax and 48-bit colour depth ensure sharp and accurate scanning for full reproduction of the widest range of colours, even in shadow areas. In addition, the high 2400 x 4800dpi resolution and ultra-precise Micro Step Drive technology, enable users to capture even the tiniest details with exceptional clarity.

We can scan all types of art media in fine detail – watercolour, oils, acrylics, photographs, canvases, charcoal drawings, pastel, pen and ink.

What types of artwork can we scan?

We’ve scanned and captured many types of artwork – here’s just a sample of some:
  • Watercolor, acrylic, and oil paintings 
  • Charcoal and pastel drawings
  • Mixed media historic documents
  • Maps
  • textiles

We can scan artworks with shiny and metallic surfaces too!

Scanning and Image Capture Charges:

We can offer a 15% discount for 3 or more scans. A4 Printed proofs are charged at £10.

1 to 2 Image
3+ Images

Specialised artwork scanning

The image capture process begins in our  reduced-glare environment.  Using specially designed lighting, top-of-the-line cameras and scanners, we capture a high-resolution digital image of your work.


Precision colour matching

We use specialised colour matching software for accuracy and efficiency. Since each artwork and medium (oils, acrylics, watercolors, etc.) has a unique range of colours and pigments, We profile the specific colors in each artwork, instead of relying on pre-made color charts.

Superior results

The result is a faithful, print-ready file with the best possible match to your original.  To ensure quality, a proof print on paper or canvas is included in our image scanning and capture package. We are happy to do further custom edits in case you need to improve upon the original.

We are proud members of the Fine Art Trade Guild. As a Fine Art Printer our membership of the Guild demonstrates our commitment to the quality of our printing and the quality of our service.

Fine Art Trade Guild members must stick to a code of ethics. Only prints by members of the Guild conforming to Guild Standards can use the Guild logo.

The Guild sets standards for print publishing in order to protect the interests of the public and maintain confidence in the publishing of fine art.

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